Conveyor Concepts, Inc is equipped to provide your automated labeling needs. Print and Apply labeling systems have become essential tools for maximizing shipping throughput. This system combines package scanning, data interpretation, label printing, and label application into a semi automated time saving sequence and eliminating the labor intensive manual labeling stations. Below is a short...Continue Reading
In addition to our standard conveyor applications, Conveyor Concepts, Inc. also designs unique 1 off systems. For this 1 off project we had to design a system that utilized both 24V DC Roller conveyor and well as 480V Lineshaft conveyor technologies. Ethernet drivercards were utilized to enable customized control of the conveyor through a PLC. ...Continue Reading
Conveyor Concepts, Inc. performs validation tests for a number of our conveyor projects. For this application our customer wanted to understand the impact of weight on the case position and projection angle as it exits the ModSort Diverter. The video below shows a basic version of the testing performed. Continue Reading